How to Work With Your Fears From a Human Design Perspective

Human Design for Business

If you’re running a business, or considering a career move or change, you must know how to make decisions that aren’t based on fear.

All of us have fears- it’s natural. One of my biggest ones has been a fear of inadequacy or of not being enough (gate 48), which comes from the spleen. This has been the source of insecurity and at times has stopped me in my tracks. But when I learnt that I have a natural depth and wisdom that I don’t even recognise a lot of the time, it enabled me to take action instead of staying stuck. Taking that first step can be challenging but when I remind myself that I’m capable and I know more than enough, it removes the paralysis and staying stuck.

I also have a fear of emotional vulnerability (gate 6) which comes from the emotional centre. In contrast, I’m a 1/3 Generator. The 3rd line in the 1/3 is all about embracing trial and error and sharing what’s worked and what hasn’t. You can probably see the challenge of having a fear of emotional vulnerability and sharing openly and honestly about things that feel like ‘failures’, but are lessons. But this also enables me to make deep, intimate connections with the right people and I’ve learnt to Trust My Gut to know when it’s the right time to do that.

Thirdly, the fear of judgement or criticism (gate 18 in the spleen) was a big one in the early days of my business and showing up online. It still pops up sometimes but not nearly as much. This used to lead to perfectionist tendencies, being highly critical of myself or avoiding taking action in case it wasn’t perfect. Now I know that my critical eye and judgement are strengths and a way to see how things can be improved when my insights are invited and I wait for the right timing. This is perfect when working with people in the career and business space when they want guidance.

There are 3 main places that our fears arise in our human design chart:

1. The spleen (the triangle furthest to the left, pointing inwards)

2. The mind (ajna) – (the second centre from the top)

3. The emotional centre (solar plexus) – (the triangle furthest to the right, pointing inwards)

The gates (little coloured in numbers within the centres) are the places where we can most get pulled off track, and where we can gain awareness of our most common fears and then shift from the shadow expression into the wisdom.

In other words, rather than getting stuck due to our fears, we can move forward by taking aligned action. It’s not about ignoring the fears. But with greater awareness comes knowing that they’re a core theme and don’t require us to ‘fix’ them. Then we can start to see and maximise the ‘gifts’ of these instead.

Some of the fears of the spleen are:

  • Fear of the future and the unknown
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of inadequacy

Some of the fears of the emotional centre are:

  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of emotional vulnerability
  • Fear of fate

And fears within the mind are:

  • Fear that you won’t be able to make sense of the confusion, or that clarity will never come
  • Fear that your ideas are too weird
  • The fear that you won’t be able to back up your opinions if someone challenges you

Once you know the best way for you to make decisions (your inner authority) you can make friends with your fears because you have an awareness of them, but you don’t allow them to be in the driver’s seat for decision-making. What a relief, huh?!

So ask yourself:

Are the decisions I’m making in my career or business moving me forward or keeping me stuck?

Kylie x

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