Coming back after a long weekend in this household, there were the usual temptations: To check my inbox first thing in the morning Wanting to cancel my chiro appointment because I had too much to do Thinking I’d cut short the dog walk instead of doing our usual beach...
Life Coach
The Power of Meditation With Coaching
One of the tools that I use frequently in my work, but weirdly don’t mention much, is meditation. If you haven’t been told (or researched) the myriad of benefits of meditation, the Mayo Clinic lists these benefits: When you meditate, you may clear away the information overload that builds up...
Does The Fear Of Not Being Good Enough Hold You Back In Business?
Last week, while pooch-walking, I met Murphy. (Ok, just bear with me while I share this little tale – I promise I’m going somewhere with this!) Murphy is an adorable 4 month old Border Collie (BC), who was bouncing up and down with the energy of a … well,...
5 Ways to Boost Your Fulfilment in Your Business.
Are you an entrepreneur who is busy, but somewhat (or a lot) unfulfilled? Would you like to find ways to boost your fulfilment? This came up in a client session the other day. We were talking about her services and it seemed like she was somewhat lacklustre about aspects...
Do You Feel A Bit Dumb For Not Feeling Fulfilled?
I know you’re a smart, switched on woman. You may resist and try to diminish being ‘smart’, because you know people who are smarter, right? But deep down, you also know that it’s true. You also have a successful business that you’ve established. To a point. The point is...
Here’s What You Need To Know About Creating Your Dream Life.
I recently did an instagram story with a snap of the beach and a little ‘inspirational’ note to create a work week you love; not one you think you ‘should’ have. And after I’d posted it I thought: ‘That’s not really fair. Because most people don’t know how to...
Following Your Intuition Can Be A Pain In The Butt.
Want to know what happens when you follow your intuition?It can be a pain in the butt. I know – that’s not what MOST people are telling you, right?! But I’m not your regular mindset coach – I’m going to tell it to you straight, my friend.Stick with me...
I’m A Huge Coach Sl%t 😳
Have you ever thought to yourself: Haven’t I done enough? Why isn’t this working? It shouldn’t have to be this hard I’ve done work on myself already I’ve worked with a coach before so I’ve done that I haven’t worked with a coach but I’ve had counselling or personal...
Tortoise Trumps Hare When It Comes To Getting Sustainable Results
Picture this – you are working with an (incredible!) mindset coach. Together, you define one of your goals as carving more ‘you’ into your life. Your coach suggests you try building a meditation habit and asks you to report back your experience at your next coaching session. She suggests...
Are You Tired Of Being The Hero?
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You were a great student back in the day and have taken on a measure of success right through into adulthood. Other parents commented on you to your parents, or to their own children, wanting them to be more like you or telling...
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