For a long time I was in a rut, just “doing life” not enjoying or embracing every day. Waking up and doing the same thing: Gym, Work, Home then crash at night totally exhausted. Due to a big breakdown in relationships with family I stayed in this mode for a long time. I was tired of being a people pleaser and tired of being emotionally blackmailed by family. I became tired of people in general and stopped communication with everyone. I would be invited out to places by friends and would make excuses not to go or accept the invitation then would cancel on the day.
I didn’t feel valued and I lost my will to stand up for myself and my sense of belonging anywhere was nowhere in sight.
During my coaching I began to see things in a different perspective. I first started taking the steps to go to invitations and was having a great time catching up once again with people that actually do care about me and didn’t want anything from me. I could be myself and it felt so freeing. I even went away for a weekend with some work colleges’ from a prior company and now we are planning a cruise next year! I also began to speak up whether it was to stand up for myself or even encourage others because I have value and what I say has value!
I am so happy now knowing that I do have a voice and whatever I say does have value! I feel so free now and have a sense of belonging with friends and some family and can be myself and enjoy going out rather than being a prisoner in my home and mind. There are people now in my life that respect me and what I say even though they may not have liked it from the beginning. I have value!
I would recommend Kylie Broadfoot to anyone who wants to move forward in their life. Kylie has inspired me and even challenged my “stinking thinking” to “positive” and given me different perspectives on situations and different “Vantage Points” to see that there is always another direction to go even if it is hard at the beginning it gets easier with every step you take to stay consistent.
Admittedly I was not comfortable and was afraid at the time but decided to do things with discomfort and doing it afraid. In time these situations became easier and freeing for me as I took baby steps and Kylie was there all the way to cheer me on with my journey.
Thank you Kylie I appreciate you and am ever grateful for helping me get back on track in my life.