my true passion

‘If you don’t know where you are going, every road will lead to nowhere’ - Henry Kissinger

This transformative half-day workshop is designed to accelerate your journey towards success and enhance your overall satisfaction in both business and life.

Are you tired of chasing goals without finding true happiness and joy? This workshop offers a groundbreaking approach that prioritises discovering your authentic desires before setting new goals.

Clarify Your Vision

Having a thriving business or career, a lifestyle you love, and experiences that bring you joy comes from gaining clarity on what you want to be experiencing.

Maybe you’ve experienced this already when you set goals at the start of a new year and then achieved them. But sadly it didn’t bring you the satisfaction, happiness and peace that you were hoping to feel. Instead, you most likely felt deflated, disillusioned and somewhat confused: ‘Why don’t I feel happier?’

The way to do this differently and fast-track your results is to get crystal clear on your vision. This isn’t just a vision board exercise, although that’s the final part of it and you’ll walk away with your own creation.

This is a specific process that involves learning the crucial steps for success; going through your personal workbook to reveal your own unique vision that will bring you more alignment and happiness; applying this in a powerful meditation and embodiment process, and then creating the vision board.

Understanding How To Harness The Power of Your Brain to Magnetise Your Desires

I will share with you why this process works: the neuroscience behind manifesting; the way you can train your brain to focus on what you want, magnetise your desires and shift the way your brain is operating to get more of what you want via neuroplasticity. With decades of neurological expertise and over 7 years of running this workshop, I can help you understand the key components that you need to implement to make your vision a reality. All of this is provided in an easy-to-digest and practical way so that you can walk away with key steps to take action.

Surround Yourself With Likeminded People Who Are Focused on Abundance

Part of this process is to embrace an abundance mindset, rather than one that’s focused on staying in your brain’s default mode: your comfort zone. It’s so beneficial to be around others who are embracing what’s possible and focusing on wonderful opportunities.

What Makes This Workshop Unique:

  • Crystal Clear Vision: Gain deep, tangible clarity on your personal and/or work vision through a meticulously designed process. This isn’t just about creating a vision board; it’s a holistic experience that integrates proven techniques with the power of meditation, embodiment and powerful questions.
  • Neuroscience Insights: Backed by almost three decades of human behaviour experience and neurological expertise, I will guide you through brain-friendly strategies to prime your brain for success.
  • Small Group Dynamic: Connect with a supportive group of like-minded individuals (maximum 8 participants) while crafting your vision.
  • Expert Guidance: I offer expert guidance throughout the workshop, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge, tools and experience to make your brain work in harmony with your desired outcomes.

There are limited spots available (maximum of 8) and this is the only face to face workshop of it’s kind for the remainder of 2023. Make sure you book early if you’re interested to ensure you secure your spot.

Create Your Vision Workshop


Location: The Small Business Hive, Geelong (just over an hour from Melbourne CBD)

Inclusions: All necessary materials, workbook, expert guidance, and lunch.

Date: Mon 16 October

Time: 9.30am – 1pm (including lunch)

Investment: $350 + GST

Past workshop attendees have gone on to create a new business; buy a home in their dream location that when they looked back on their board later, realised was identical to the one on their vision board; moved to a new state to live in a patch of paradise in the Whitsundays; envisaged themselves facilitating workshops and being a speaker which came to life; came up with a new and exciting offering within their business; hit revenue goals; realised the direction they were heading in with work was not going to give them the lifestyle they desired and so tweaked this, and so much more.

Personally, my first vision board process led to realising my husband and I wanted to move our family to the beach. The following year, we bought land, then built our home and moved into it in 2018. I still pinch myself that our coastal lifestyle is our reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

The workbook will take you through a variety of questions and will help to provide clarity. This will be enhanced during the meditation and visualisation process. Sometimes people come with an intention to focus on work/business and then find they actually want to have a personal focus. Or vice versa. Others split their board into sections and include a variety of aspects of their life on the board. I encourage participants to allow their focus to become clear during the meditation/visualisation process, and allow this to guide them. In other words, there’s no ‘right’ way to do it, and you will identify what feels right for you on the day.

There have been so many attendees in the past that have asked this or told me this at the beginning of the workshop. The answer is yes, it will be perfectly suitable for you. There’s no need to attempt to clear your mind of all thoughts, sit cross-legged on the floor or achieve a zen-like state. The pressure! It will be a beautiful process of just sitting in your chair with your eyes closed and connecting with your vision as it unfolds during the process (and following the questions asked in the workbook). Many people have told me they were so surprised by how detailed their image was, having previously thought that it would be very vague.

Not at all! This is suitable for anyone that wants to get clarity on their vision, and walk away with a powerful vision that they can re-connect with at any time, as well as the tangible vision board.

Yes! This is for anyone that can attend a face to face workshop in Geelong. So as long as you can get there, it’s perfect for you.

Absolutely. I didn’t create my own vision board until I started studying to become a coach, back in 2015. Prior to that, I had absolutely zero idea of what my vision was and why it was so important. Since then, I’ve done one every year I take you through the whole process from the beginning, so there’s no need to have ever done one before, or even have any idea what your vision is – this is what I help you to work out!

Of course you do that, if that’s what you prefer. Most of these types of workshops are purely focused on creating the actual vision board, and not the neuroscience-backed process of working out what your vision is, plus how to harness your vision for maximum impact and success.

In terms of human behaviour, many people don’t value something that is free and also don’t invest their time and energy into things they don’t perceive to be valuable. I suggest you check in with yourself about what will best suit what you’re looking for, how deeply you’d like to connect with your vision, and what you’re looking for in a facilitator. As well as what other inclusions are part of the workshop.

Got another question that isn’t covered here? I’m here for it! Simply email and I’ll answer it for you!

I can’t wait to help you reveal your vision for 2024 and walk away with clarity, knowing how to take action, and feeling excited and filled with anticipation to see it all unfold.

Click here to set up your chat with Kylie.

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