Wow I now feel a complete release of a life long tension that I felt in my body. This is energizing me. I thought my energy was low due to work stress.
I am able to accept and love myself and no longer feel responsible for my mother’s life she and what I thought she lost out on because she had me at a young age. How funny to think I took responsibility for this. This new realization now enables me to stand and listen to my mother’s complaints and I am 100% free of condemnation and rather feel compassion towards her.
I have a new joy and absolute peace in my heart even when I am criticized by others, and my ability to love others and myself has grown so much deeper. As a result of this I don’t get drawn into arguments easily; I listen without defending myself and then at the end I decide to share my thoughts if it will add value or I simply acknowledge the speaker and ask a question leading the conversation towards a solution.
I would recommend Kylie to anybody that suffers from depression, that has been abused or had childhood trauma. In my instance I honestly thought the challenge came from childhood sexual abuse but Kylie was able to use her skills in such a gentle manner that I got right down to the bottom of what was really behind this. My greatest fear was my inability to handle my emotions as they were too overpowering but Kylie made this so easy as she created a completely safe environment where I could let go of my fears and trust her to guide me through some really intense emotions.
Kylie is an exceptional coach whom you can trust, even when you are afraid to trust. She will guide you to discover the real cause of the issue you face in a very skilled manner that makes it easy to access your deepest memories that you might not even be aware of before the time.