I’m feeling really good in my head lately. I put into the universe my concern around lack of work coming in and now we have signed up maybe 8 new clients this month already and have a few in the works so now I’m going back to work on my ‘work week’ and having focused stints so I can get all the work completed whilst keeping it coming in. And actually since doing those focus stints and slowing down my multitasking I’ve noticed a huge difference in my head and productivity. Lots less messy!
Also, (wow it always surprises me the work we do together shows up much later and only if I reflect I recognise it. It’s amazing!) I have been working on my routines. And I know you know how much I love a routine so I took your advice and just worked on my night one.
I’m powering through my pillow spray and oil rolly thing (thank you hug), and also my hand cream. I’ve been putting my phone down at 8pm and getting into bed and reading. It’s awesome! I love it.
So, from all the above I’m finally back to sleeping like a log! Yay! haha
Thank you for all the work we have done thus far. You have helped me so much! I really value your coaching and your patience with my crazy brain.