Human Design, boundaries and business insights for founders, from a former allied health professional who was never taught to ‘sell’.
When I went into business, I never did it for the money. I did it because I still (and always will) want to help people. It sounds cheesy, but it’s true.
I still want to help: to help clients see their blind spots, develop an awareness of what’s holding them back, and then elevate their self-leadership so they can run their businesses and take charge of their lives in a way that feels incredible.
I want to help them to expand and be fully authentic, achieve their goals, realise their potential and create positive ripple effects for everyone around them.
Helping business owners to thrive in their business and life is my jam.
I had to learn that money is a big part of running a business. It’s so obvious and we hear it time and time again. But without it, there is no business- just a hobby or a passion project. Selling with integrity is at the heart of what I do, and I will always have a servant’s heart. Although of course there have been times when my open ego centre led me to behave like I had something to prove.
Have I needed to do a shedload of work on my money stories; scarcity; limiting beliefs; self-worth; doubts; trust in the process and SO much more? Sure have! And I have no doubt that will continue.
Right now, we’re all experiencing this collective energy of the Sun being in Gate 26. The unresourceful expression of this is scarcity, believing there isn’t enough to go around, and selling for your own gain.
The resourceful focus or wisdom of this gate is embracing the simplicity of selling when you’re doing it with integrity. When you’re focused on what will best serve your clients, and selling them that product or service if they want it. Rather than trying to push your biggest ticket offer.
What’s your relationship with selling? Mine has been an … interesting one.
I started my career with a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (OT) in hand and a purpose that was broadly ‘to help people’. After years of working in low-paid roles, even compared with my peers, I landed a federal public service job as an OT helping clients with an acquired brain injury (think stroke, brain tumour, epilepsy etc) to return to work.
It was the first job that had KPIs and a bonus system. Say what?!!! After my initial delight at the possibilities, it quickly turned to dread and self-doubt (my old friend):
– What if I didn’t meet my targets?
– Maybe I’ll be terrible at the job?
– What if I looked like an inept fool in a team of allied health and mental health professionals?
– And so on.
I had a chat with another OT on the team. She said something along the lines of focus on doing good work. You’ll hit your KPIs easily if you just do the work rather than focusing on the outcomes.
It’s something that has stayed with me ever since. (And it worked a treat, btw. I got my first job bonus ever in that job when I had my first performance review. I couldn’t believe it!)
It’s an approach I use to this day. I don’t work backward from revenue goals (most business coaches will tell you to do this. And yes, you absolutely do need to know your numbers. But for me personally, ONLY focusing on the money is a recipe for disaster and it never, ever works).
I work out what I’m excited and passionate about sharing (as a Generator, this is crucial!) I trust my gut to know which things to pursue and take action on, and which ones might be a good idea but aren’t right to focus on at the moment.
With the Sun currently transitting Gate 26 – the gate of Persuasion- the focus is on selling with integrity vs selling unethically. If you have this gate defined in your chart (shaded), you will naturally be excellent at selling.
But if you don’t (like me, where number 26 isn’t coloured in on your chart- what we call undefined), you can tap into this energy right now while we collectively experience this energy.
- Consider what your relationship with selling and money is really like.
- Where are you coming from a place of lack and scarcity? Versus where do you trust that there are always people out there who want to buy from you?
- Have you decided that ‘it’s too late’ for anyone to buy from you now? Or do you believe you can still make money until the end of the year?
- Are you trying to make sales at any cost? Or are you doing it with integrity?
To tap into the energy of Gate 26 at the moment, try these:
– Don’t lower your price if that doesn’t feel aligned.
– Be clear with what’s included in your offers so people can make an informed choice.
– Got something you’re selling in the New Year? Maybe you could open it up now with this energy of selling with integrity, to get some early bird sales in.
– could you reach out to people who suspect or know are the perfect fit for what you’re offering? Send them a voice note or DM to let them know you’re thinking of them and invite them to buy if they’re keen (non-attachment is key).
– Check your money stories- have you already decided ‘nobody is buying right now’?
– Include boundaries with yourself like doing daily practices to build empowering beliefs, stories and identity around money, abundance and wealth
Selling is part and parcel of any business. Some love it and some hate it. I’ve learnt to love it because I have shunned tactics, strategies and approaches that don’t feel right to me, and embraced the ones that feel most aligned.
I encourage all my clients to do the same and am never preaching a one-size-fits-all approach. We’re all so different- Human Design reminds us of this.
So my suggestion is: work out what’s best for you; sell in a way that feels so good to you, and focus on ‘how can everyone win?’. You really can’t go wrong when you do that.
Book a Human Design for business session with me if you’d like to dive into what’s most natural for you in terms of your strengths, selling, client attraction and abundance- and of course, so much more (no matter what’s happening with the transits!)
Tags: boundaries Human Behaviour Mindset Coaching