Now is the Time To Listen Intently

Holding space and boundaries for business owners

Lessons on Listening and Boundaries For Founders & Leaders Related to Gate 13 in Human Design

I’m a former people pleaser, fixer and good girl. I knew from a young age that I wanted to be an allied health professional. Helping professions are filled with people pleasers and good girls, so this is no surprise.

When I started studying to become a coach and being coached myself, I quickly realised that I needed way better boundaries (I’ll be honest- they were pretty non-existent). I recognised that I needed a way to hold space without overgiving and self-sabotaging, and people-pleasing had to go. Because at its essence, people pleasing is still having a level of self-focus (feeling emotionally safe by pleasing others). 

I also needed to learn discernment- what I was learning about myself and from others, and when was the right time to share this. In this way, I could be discerning about the clients I took on, what I said yes and no to, how I structured my weeks, and trust my intuition and the patterns of behaviour I could observe in clients instead of second-guessing and doubting these.

Right now, we’re all feeling the energy of Gate 13 as the Sun moves through this part of the Human Design chart. Whether you have this gate defined in your chart or not, this is a collective influence we all get to experience.

As the Sun shines a spotlight on this energy, you might notice that people around you are more open, eager to share their experiences, or looking for someone to truly hear them. If you are in business, leading a team, or working with clients, this is the perfect time to tap into the power of presence and connection.

Gate 13 is in prominent positions in my chart (the north node on both sides and my Design Mars which is all about my core wound according to the Gene Keys) 

So it’s a gate I know well.

We are never at our best for our clients, team or family and friends when we’re people-pleasing, overgiving, trying to fix things, and not having healthy emotional boundaries (this is particularly relevant if you don’t have an emotional/wait for clarity inner authority).

Gate 13 is part of the Identity (G) Centre, the energy hub of identity, direction, and purpose. When this gate is activated in the collective, we are all more attuned to the importance of stories—our own and those of others.

In business and leadership, this is a time to:

  • Strengthen trust with clients and teams by creating space for meaningful conversations
  • Notice patterns in the stories you hear- what themes keep coming up?
  • Practice deep listening without rushing to offer solutions or advice
  • Reflect on your own story- what lessons from your past are guiding you forward?

However, this heightened sensitivity can also feel overwhelming, especially if you naturally attract people who open up easily. You might find yourself absorbing too much or feeling responsible for others’ emotions.

So, how do you engage with this energy without becoming drained?

Hold Space, But Let Others Own Their Story

The beauty of this transit is that it helps us see people in a way that makes them feel truly understood. But that doesn’t mean taking on their emotions or feeling responsible for their transformation.

Try guiding conversations:

  • What are you realising as we discuss this?
  • Does this feel like the right time to share what you’re learning, or do you need to take some time?
  • Is this something you want to take action on right now or not?

This allows people to process their own insights while still feeling supported.

– Protect Your Energy

When the collective energy of Gate 13 is active (up until the 7th Feb here in Australia), we’re all absorbing more than usual. If you are in client sessions, leading team meetings, or even just listening to a friend share their struggles, you might feel heavier than normal afterwards.

Take a moment to reset: step outside, move your body, or simply place a hand on your heart and take a few deep breaths. This reminds your system that you don’t have to hold onto everything you hear.

– Maintain Integrity

Trust is a key theme of this transit. How you hold the stories people share with you matters. This is a time to be mindful of confidentiality, to honour the trust people place in you, and to recognise the privilege of being someone others feel safe with.

– Take Time for Personal Reflection

Gate 13 is also about looking back to move forward. This week, you may feel called to reflect on your own journey: your past experiences, lessons learned, and the wisdom you’ve gained.

Journaling or reflection can bring powerful insights. Ask yourself:

  • What patterns do I notice in the stories I tell myself?
  • What wisdom from my past can guide my next steps?
  • How can I listen more deeply, not just to others, but to myself?
  • When I trust myself to know the perfect time to share the lessons I’m learning, what do I realise?

Reflection questions for this week:

  • How can I listen more deeply to the people around me?
  • Am I creating space for my own voice and story, not just others’?
  • What wisdom is emerging as I reflect on the past?

You don’t need to have this gate defined in your chart to feel its impact. Right now, this is energy we all have access to. The key is using it wisely, staying grounded, and recognising that the most powerful transformations happen when we listen with presence, not pressure.

If you have this gate defined in your chart, you’re a powerful listener with a high capacity to hold space. Ask yourself if you need to tweak anything to deepen this capacity and if your boundaries for your emotional and energetic capacity are effective. If not, be discerning about what needs to change.

If you want to explore how Human Design can help you create deeper alignment in your business, I offer sessions to help you harness your unique energy for greater impact and success. Let’s connect.

If you’d like to look up your Human Design chart to see if Gate 13 is defined for you, you can do it here.


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