Do you ever wonder what you’re doing wrong when you hit your goals but still don’t feel good? Last week I was off facilitating a 3 day mindset retreat for entrepreneurs at the luxurious Summer House Retreat on the stunning Surfcoast in Victoria. We hadn’t been able to hold...
Does The Fear Of Not Being Good Enough Hold You Back In Business?
Last week, while pooch-walking, I met Murphy. (Ok, just bear with me while I share this little tale – I promise I’m going somewhere with this!) Murphy is an adorable 4 month old Border Collie (BC), who was bouncing up and down with the energy of a … well,...
5 Ways to Boost Your Fulfilment in Your Business.
Are you an entrepreneur who is busy, but somewhat (or a lot) unfulfilled? Would you like to find ways to boost your fulfilment? This came up in a client session the other day. We were talking about her services and it seemed like she was somewhat lacklustre about aspects...
Why Do You Want To Be Happier?
Happiness. What the hell is it and why do we all want it?! One of the things people tell me when they approach me to work together, is that they want to feel ‘happy’. But they’re not. They’re running their business that they started off being so passionate about,...
The Big Reveal On Being An Imperfect Woman.
Back when I started my biz, the book Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port was recommended to me. One of the tasks in there was to send an email to 5 (or more – haha, nice try) people from different areas of my life and ask them to list my top...
Do You Feel A Bit Dumb For Not Feeling Fulfilled?
I know you’re a smart, switched on woman. You may resist and try to diminish being ‘smart’, because you know people who are smarter, right? But deep down, you also know that it’s true. You also have a successful business that you’ve established. To a point. The point is...
Here’s What You Need To Know About Creating Your Dream Life.
I recently did an instagram story with a snap of the beach and a little ‘inspirational’ note to create a work week you love; not one you think you ‘should’ have. And after I’d posted it I thought: ‘That’s not really fair. Because most people don’t know how to...
Are You Starting The Year Behind The Proverbial 8 Ball?
Are you feeling a little behind the eight ball this year? With so much going on, this is something I’m hearing a lot (and experiencing myself). Whether your plans got sidetracked without your permission, or your energy and spark just hasn’t been there, then this is for you. I,...
Would You Like To Be More Selfish? (without feeling guilty..)
Are you selfish? Gasp. ‘NO! I am NOT selfish!’, I hear you say. It’s like the worst thing I could say to you, right?! But do you know what? I think you could do with being MORE selfish. AND not feeling guilty about it. Let me share a little...
What If You Could Love Your Life AND Your Business?
There’s a difference between having a successful business, and living a life you love. You might think one will lead to the other – if you run a successful business that will mean that you’re living a life you love. And if that’s the case for you? Terrific. In...
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